When an aspiring author and his free-spirited sister both fall for the enigmatic paying guest at their home, ensuing events rock their traditional...
Cobalt Blue
Follows Fauzia, whose mother-in-law Ruxana keeps her captive. She will discover that everything she had been told about her husband Ali was a lie and...
A sewerage worker's dead body is found inside a manhole in Mumbai. An ageing folk singer is tried in court on charges of abetment of suicide. He is...
RAZIA, a maid turned care-giver finds herself in a precarious situation, when she makes her first attempt at bathing a wheelchair-bound veteran of...
Rhino Charge
An ominous dream convinces 77-year-old Dayanand Kumar that his end could be near. He takes the news to his son Rajiv, knowing he wants to breathe his...
Hotel Salvation
A prosperous young Indian man falls in love with his servant, a widow with the dream of becoming a fashion designer.
A sleazy film director's decision to shoot his latest erotic horror movie in a notorious haunted house angers the vengeful spirit of its past...
Ragini MMS 2
Karkhanis family is the last joint family in Pune. When the eldest brother, Purushottam passes away, it is his last wish that his ashes be scattered...
Karkhanisanchi Waari
Set in 1942, Mukkam Post Bombilwaadi is a hilarious tale of a peaceful Indian village suddenly thrown into chaos with the arrival of Hitler. Amid...
Mukkam Post Bombilwaadi