The story of Lily, a girl with a secret, on the cusp of becoming a young woman. With her best friend, the fiercely loyal and flamboyant Simon, she...
Who We Love
Eighteen-year-old Alex is in the throes of his transition. When his best friend abandons a joint venture to assert their identity he’s forced...
Panic Attack
In a trouble-ridden Northern Ireland, football and writing prospect Anthony's relationship with his brothers comes under danger. Exploring religious...
Reavey Brothers
After a bungled robbery, a petrol station owner must decide whether to protect her idiot employee or turn him over to the most dangerous man in...
Sucking Diesel
A reluctant retiree struggles in a controlling marriage, until an unlikely friendship with an abandoned teen sex worker teaches her to live life on...
When their son, Billy, becomes a zombie, the family chooses to take care of him in the home, much to the chagrin of the neighbors and the local crime...
Portrait of a Zombie
A WWII veteran escapes his care home in Northern Ireland and embarks on an arduous but inspirational journey to France to attend the 75th anniversary...
The Last Rifleman
Though released from prison Desmond is still in turmoil from the past events that lead him there. As he carves out the path for his new life Desmond...
Following a sudden, tragic bereavement, a West Cork cleaner must decide if she will uphold a tightly hidden secret whilst navigating the fast paced...
Northern Ireland 1981 - Faced with an impossible decision, a conflicted border-town mechanic is forced to make a choice that will change his life...
Volkswagen Joe
The hidden memoir of an elderly woman confined to a mental hospital reveals the history of her passionate yet tortured life, and of the religious and...
The Secret Scripture
Three very mismatched friends party from Friday to Monday in Dublin City in a riotous cocktail of drugs and alcohol while their personal problems -...
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career...
The Truth Commissioner
Following a bad breakup, relationship councilor Cormac Kavanagh starts sleeping with his clients in a misguided attempt to reignite their passions.
How to be Happy
A found footage horror film about a man and a woman camping in Wicklow, Ireland.
Crone Wood
Young Tom and his misfit friends fight to save 'Buster' the baby elephant during the German air raid bombings of Belfast in 1941.
In 1847, when Ireland is in the grip of the Great Famine that has ravaged the country for two long years, Feeney, a hardened Irish Ranger who has...
Black '47
It's 1983. Culture Club are no. 1, everyone's glued to Knight Rider and Kelly Harrison not only has her first crush, she's going to her first disco!
First Disco
A bedraggled community of misfits gather to mourn one of their own the only way they know how - an elaborately eccentric folk music funeral
A woman’s eyes are opened to her coercive, controlling partner when an old friend is allowed to come to dinner.
An extraordinary look at the lives of a middle-aged couple in the midst of the wife's breast cancer diagnosis.
Ordinary Love
After the sudden death of his parents, a young man must choose between returning to his home village in the west of Ireland to care for his estranged...
The Bridge
A young man returns home uninvited to his brother's engagement dinner only to find himself fighting for his sanity against the violent, mind...
I Am Not a Monster
Ian splits his time between working his dead end warehouse job and taking care of his ailing mother. The stresses of everyday life, alongside Anna's...
The Appointment
Aisha, a young Nigerian woman seeking asylum in Ireland, is floundering in a maze of social services and bureaucracy. As her situation becomes...