The film revolves around romantic Adel (Samo Zein) and the simple girl Nesma (Zeina) dreaming of a quiet family that combines them, but his mother...
Ninety Minutes
Shehata is the son of a modest gardener who saved all his money to open a fruit stand and named it after his favorite son. Shehata's siblings get so...
Shehata's Shop
Omar and Alia are in love and decide to get married , but Omar discovers that her sister Fatima is infamous who works in a bar so he walks away from...
About Love and Passion
A police officer and his assistant investigate a brutal murder case in which the main suspect is a sculptor. A pathologist helps the police decipher...
The biography of the iconic leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, from his birth to igniting the revolution to the defeat of 67 and his disagreement with Abdel...
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Ibrahim Toshkee, a non-talented who wants to become an actor. When he faces failure, he utilizes his wits into coning people, which leads him to many...
Please Call Me
Admitted to a psychiatric hospital after being accused of murdering his parents, a young man makes a vow of silence weeks away from his trial.
45 Days
The wife of a well-known singer dies along with her driver in a traffic accident. In the ensuing murder investigation many latent – but...
Azmet Sharaf
When three sisters inherit a cabaret named Bonne Soirée, two of them are thrilled with the influx of money it grants them but the third...
Bonne Soirée
Omar Harb runs a gambling casino. A quiet young man lands a job at the casino, despite his family's abhorrence and disapproval, to get the money...
Chief Omar Harb
Shadyia is forced to marry a drug dealer, and from here her life begins to decline after her husband is arrested. She meets three other girls...
A credit manager and her colleague discover that the bank's chairman and his manager are stealing the depositors' money. They try to make her...
Woman Under Surveillance
The events revolve around a representative in Parliament who represents one of the constituencies in Upper Egypt. He was able to achieve great...
A matter of principle
Following the death of her husband, Amar is left to carry out her deceased husband’s dream of building a brick house with her five children....
Amar’s Hand
Hossam, an Egyptian tour guide working in the US, comes to Egypt on vacation during New Year's Eve and hopes to spend a romantic night with his wife...
The Baby Doll Night
A bank employee has been friends with two different men since childhood; however, when they both begin competing for her hand in marriage, they get...
Again, Again
At a boarding house in Cairo, the stories of seven women from different walks of life intertwine as they search for love and fight societal injustice.
Shame Worse Than Death
A dermatologist discovers that his friend has a sexually-transmitted disease and begins tracing his friend's multiple relationships.
The Red Notebook
On the eve of the 1919 revolution in Egypt, the friendship between Houda al-Najjar, who likes boxing, Petro, who likes to sing, and the good worker...
The Champion
A social drama that deals with the tense relationship between Muslims and Christians, through the story of a young Muslim who falls in love with a...
Alexandria, Egypt, 1940. Three young Egyptians come to the aid of a woman being attacked by three British soldiers. One of them is arrested and...
Karmouz War
The film revolves around the wife, Estefaqah and her husband Jebel, both of whom earn their living from theft. During the process of stealing one of...
The Villainous Returns
In an exciting teaser, the film takes place in an apartment its owner call it "The Waitress" The movie revolves around three people only. A man...
The Waitress
A film highlighting the issue of street children and the marginalized social class living under the pressure of economic conditions in a shanty...
Until Things Get Better
Fawziya, an impoverished woman holds the secret for leading a successful life. She gets married and raises all her children in her tiny house. Will...
Fawziya's Secret Recipe
The play revolves around Houda, a simple young man who is insulted by a police officer and cannot get his right.
Houda Karama
The play deals with the life of a young Saidi called (Fares), who was sent by his father to complete his education in Cairo, but returned without...
Lamia is an active girl also known as Lamada, who graduates from university, but fails to find a job and finds herself unemployed for several years....