The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption...
The Treasure: Truth & Imagination
The film displays the life of legendary singer(Abd Alhalim Hafez) in various stages. Depicting many sides of his artistic and personal life since his...
The stories of five men and women connected together by romantic relationships, and how they get influenced by the social transformations of the past...
Sukkar Mor
The Clown
Following the death of her husband, Amar is left to carry out her deceased husband’s dream of building a brick house with her five children....
Amar’s Hand
A sequel to The Treasure (Part 1) - Reality & Fantasy (2017) The movie resumes with the stories of Hatsheput in the Pharaonic era, Ali al-Zaibaq...
The Treasure : Love & Destiny