A celebration of the musical work of a group of session musicians known as "The Wrecking Crew." a band that provided back-up instrumentals to such...
The Wrecking Crew
A documentary film in which the rich tapestry of music written and produced by this brilliant 20th century composer is investigated and reviewed.
Brian Wilson: Songwriter 1962-1969
Half a century after its recording in 1970, this captivating documentary retraces the story of "Bridge Over Troubled Water", the final album, which...
The Harmony Game
8 hours in the life of college student teen superstars Jan & Dean! They fly from LA to San Diego to a sold-out show. They visit the zoo, do some...
Jan & Dean: On the Run
An in-depth look at the tumultuous career of Jan & Dean.
Jan & Dean: The Other Beach Boys
PART OF: Elvis Presley – '68 Comeback Special (50th Anniversary Edition) is the definitive chronicle of one of the greatest rock...
Elvis: Black Leather Sit-Down Show #1 – JUNE 27, 1968
The story of the life and career of eccentric avant-garde comedian, Andy Kaufman.
Man on the Moon
Elvis NBC TV Special, Original December 3, 1968 Broadcast
Elvis Black Leather Stand Up Show #1 - JUNE 29, 1968
This film tells (using modern day interviews and archival footage and sound tapes) the story of how in 1967, while his band The Beach Boys...
Beautiful Dreamer: Brian Wilson and the Story of Smile
FEROCIOUS DRUMMERS is the original groundbreaking documentary about the greatest rhythmic rebels, that was nearly lost forever. In this...
Ferocious Drummers
Henry Thomas tries to overcome the horrors of his childhood and start a new life with his wife and kid. However, his abusive step-mother and his...
Baby, the Rain Must Fall
The inside story of the Beach Boys from their formation in 1961 to the present day (2005).
The Beach Boys: Wouldn't It Be Nice
A retrospective look at the making of the 1966 Beach Boys album, "Pet Sounds".
Pet Stories
Hailed by one music reviewer as "the grooviest, wildest, slickest hit ever to pound the screen," "The T.A.M.I. Show" is an unrelenting rock...
The T.A.M.I. Show