A gripping action thriller about a reporter who steals a murdered colleague's news story, and becomes an unwitting pawn in a conspiracy that could...
In 1945, at the end of World War II, Neus Català returns to France, where she recalls her life under the Nazi yoke.
Ashes in the Sky
After the death of his mother, 12-year-old Moritz begins to act in ways that distress the aunt he is living with, so she packs him off to Spain to be...
Don Quixote
Eleven-year-old Elisa (Claudia Pons) lives with her father (Hans Richter) in Spain following the breakup of her parents. Elisa goes to a fair with...
Elisa K
Tony, the owner of a small fantastic film video shop, has found out that at times reality can defy science-fiction. The time has come to embark on a...