Tells the story of an English aristocrat, apparently in disgrace, who disappears and joins a French battalion in Algeria, loosely based on the...
Under Two Flags
A farm boy falls for a glamorous society girl who is engaged to another man.
Haystacks and Steeples
Hard pressed for money, the broker has appropriated funds of the firm, and dreads his partner's discovery of the deed. He tries in vain to borrow...
Truth Stranger Than Fiction
Out of the talk at the Sportsmen's Club arises a wager between the globe-trotter and his friend, who bets that he will not be able, within a fixed...
A Double Winning
Stella Benton, a young society girl who has lost her beautiful voice through the death of her father, goes to live with her brother Charles, in the...
Big Timber
Madcap Gloria disguises herself as a man, in order to lure a "dangerous" vamp away from her beau, Bobbie.
The Danger Girl