The story takes place in Nis, towards the end of the nineteenth century, during the calm down of the stormy historic events which led to final...
Ivko's Feast
The conflict between innocence and evil is the shortest definition of the leitmotifs of the film. The story is taking place on a winter day in a...
Boško Pavlović is an intelligent, educated, careful, romantic young man whom women find magically attractive. But, things take a bad turn...
He Ain't Like That
Action-comedy that follows the Secret Service, runaway generals, admirals, and patriotic organizations, ICTY inductees, accidental and deliberate...
Claused Freedom
For the young man who lives in Serbian province town, the maturing coincides with the turbulent political events of the year 1968.
The Elusive Summer of '68
Luka Banjanin is an unemployed young man living with his parents in Belgrade. He hangs out with few devoted friends who, like him, are yet to find...
A successful man, a television presenter is living his dignified and comfortable life. And then, one night in the parking lot he gets beaten up. He...
While floating down the Danube, two wannabe terrorists reach Novi Sad with a plan to set up a bomb there. A guy who walks near finds the bomb by an...
Who will finish the academy, and who will quit? What relationship will survive, and what will fade away? Young cadets have a lot in their lives -...
Military Academy 2
Two very different, but aging neighbors, Ratko and Krekich, share a rooftop terrace. Their settled lives are overturned by the arrival of an outgoing...
Terrace on the Roof
Marko, Zoran and Saša are best friends, living a casual student life in Belgrade. They plan to escape the sweltering summer heat by driving to...
The Hottest Day of the Year
A young unemployed saxophone player Boki is pursued by debt collector agency, whose secretary tries to save him. Having reached his dead end, the...
Buy Me an Eliot
Lively, modern comedy around the escapades and relationships of a well-to-do family.
Happy Family
What happened to guys and girls of Military academy since we last saw them? The first generation of cadets continue their adventures with the...
Military Academy 3: The New Beginning