Set in modern-day South Africa, it tells the story of Anna Bruwer, who avenges years of abuse suffered at the hands of her stepfather and the court...
Dis ek, Anna
Walter du Toit is the secret agent known "Agent 2000". He is hired to find the bully terrorizing the school, known only as the Laksman (The...
Agent 2000
When two corrupt police officers investigate the brutal murder of a young girl, tensions come to a head in their small, racially-segregated town.
Wild Is the Wind
I am Luna van Wyk. A 14 year old girl. This is the story of Mignon "Mossie" Van Wyk, my older sister. Oh and her best friend Adriaan Prinsloo, who I...
At the age of 8, Vaselinetjie is taken away by the Welfare and send to the orphanage. It's a strange, hard, dangerous world of rebel children, fierce...
Apartheid is rampant in South Africa, 1963. When ten men are arrested on a farm in Rivonia for conspiring to commit sabotage and violent acts against...
An Act of Defiance
When her disastrous wedding night leads to an accidental killing, Natalie flees her rural town in South Africa's desolate Karoo region.
Just after the Anglo-Boer War, a dispute arises when Ester returns home from a concentration camp only to find that her cousin and her...