A quarter century after the release of the original film, this sequel brings us a drama about platonic love, life retrospective and memories. Former...
Snowdrops and Aces
Bastardi 2
The film follows Marie, Jirka and their wealthy parents, as well as murderer Jiří Tichý. The film takes place mostly in southern...
Grapes 2
The movie is based on the narrative of a Czech multimillionaire who achieved success not by stripping companies, making crooked deals and crony-ism,...
Czech Made Man
A comedy about Simon, an honest, clever confectioner. In practical life, the humble bachelor becomes an easy prey to his boss, his mother, and hordes...
Sweet Troubles
As a mayor dreams of spreading holiday cheer with a new ski jump, the town's citizens experience wacky antics while searching for love in wild places.
Christmas 'Killing Joke'
A drama based on the criminal youth life in Prague during eighties.
Love from the Passage
Tísňové volání
Sněženky a machři po 25 letech
NON PLUS ULTRAS is a comedy with a social subtext. It takes a satirical look at a short stretch in the life of five "fans" of one Prague football...
Non Plus Ultras
A comedy about funny adventures of boys and girls during the summer vacation.
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