A love story which unfolds over three days and nights on the outskirts of the metropolis. Seventeen-year-old Ema (Dorota Nvotová) breaks up...
A man who deals with parcels at an airport cargo company finds that he likes planes more than people.
Wrong Side Up
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In post–WWII Italy, inspired industrialist Adriano Olivetti oversees the creation of the first all-Italian electronic calculator while...
Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno
Mučivé tajomstvo
Tri zlaté dukáty
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Príbuzní ľudia
A fairy tale about a twin princess and a prince who where seperated after their birth.
The Princess and the Pauper
A love story of the 21st century. Hoping for change, Ema runs away from her family and leaves her husband. She hides at the apartment of her...
Us 2
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