A misfit teenager, an anxious mother, and a recent widow see their day interrupted by a mysterious natural phenomenon. As their world descends into...
Ordinary Failures
Láska na špičkách
Explosive conversational comedy based on the successful theater plays, which takes place one evening in a remote local pub, during the match of Ice...
Set in Stalin-era Soviet Union, a disgraced MGB agent is dispatched to investigate a series of child murders -- a case that begins to connect with...
Child 44
Milan's relationship with Dr. Eliška is developing promisingly, and when Milan finally decides to propose to her, it seems that nothing stands...
Manžel na hodinu
Případ pro malíře
Cesta do nemožna
Hospoda U bílé kočky
Jak se zbavit nevěsty
As two beach volleyball partners focus on personal matters and a championship tournament, a quirky figure disrupts their game on and off the court.
Přes prsty