After losing the role of a lifetime, an aspiring actor retreats to his hometown. Faced with either continuing to pursue stardom or accepting a job in...
60 Miles North
In the aftermath of an abusive relationship, Charlotte Moreland searches to find her old self while battling panic attacks and agoraphobia.
The Four Walls of Charlotte Moreland
"FRECKLES" is a short psychological drama that follows a super-freckled thirty year-old virginal, self-hating woman's descent into a dark,...
The mischievous undead girl Ghouliana takes over Christmas as she possesses Santa, turning him into a demonic, chainsaw-wielding terror.
The Night Terror Before Christmas
A man and a woman find their orbits repeatedly colliding over the course of 12 years, four planets, three dimensions and one space cult.
Molli and Max in the Future
An emotionally desperate investment banker finds hope through a woman he meets.
A woman seeks love and beyond in a small American town.