A Hungarian historical movie that tells the story of the Hungarian ancestors, the seven leaders, who are looking for their new homeland in the last...
Hungarian Vagabond
The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band....
Aldo Nicolaj’s play tells the story of three elderly people, the retired days of the last few living members of the “iron...
Three on the bench
Dragon and Slippers
This entertaining film highlights the importance of integrity, justice, and appreciation for the environment. The compassionate and wise Captain is...
Captain of the Forest
A magician can never reveal the secret of his trick. The greatest Hungarian magician Rezső Gács, Rodolfó, we are trying to show...
Rodolfo - Vigyázat, csalok
Le a fejjel!
Rap, revü, Rómeó
The film is about Little Vuk, the son of the legendary fox who proves its excellent mind and courage.
A Fox's Tale
Charlie nénje
Divided into two different halves separated by mood and subject matter, this is an uneven drama about the experience of one Hungarian Jew before and...
My First Two Hundred Years
Follow the adventures of the Mezga family all around the world.
Mézga Family on Holiday
Szaffi is a full-length animated feature based on Jokai Mor's books Gypsy Baron (Cyganibaro) and Szaffi. It has adventure, and treasure, and love,...
The Treasure of Swamp Castle
From the stars of "The Good Place" to a pair of "Pretty Little Liars," check out our gallery of celebrity besties.
Üvegvár a Mississippin