A group of 12 teenagers from various backgrounds enroll at the American Ballet Academy in New York to make it as ballet dancers and each one deals...
Center Stage
When a corporate raider threatens a hostile takeover of a 'mom and pop' company, the patriarch of the company enlists the help of his wife's...
Other People's Money
Captures the essence of Willa Cather's haunting story of Pittsburgh circa 1900. Lost in a world of fantasy, young working-class Paul dreams of...
Paul's Case
A couple who cannot have children joins an in-vitro fertilization program. While she is with child, she finds strange occurrences happening within...
The Unborn
Set in a remote Pennsylvania coal-mining town, this off-beat comedy follows the relationship between Carla, a hippie woman, and Rupert, a young punk...
The Prince of Pennsylvania
The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it.
And the Band Played On