When a super-volcano threatens the island of Hawaii, a team of rescue and disaster experts who are called in to help must race against the clock to...
Super Volcano
As a megaquake threatens San Francisco, a series of foreshocks wreaks havoc across the city. Now, an elite team of emergency service and disaster...
20.0 Megaquake
When a devastating winter storm freezes over the whole of North Carolina, climatologists and disaster relief experts are called in before the entire...
Ice Storm
20 years after the events of Transmorphers, a newer, more advanced species of alien robot descends on a rebuilt Earth, threatening once again to...
Transmorphers: Mech Beasts
After a nasty break-up, Faith needs a new roommate to supplement the rent and finds that something very strange is going on with the tenant who...
A Roommate To Die For
Charly, a wealthy business woman, must decide whom she can trust when she falls for a sexy bodyguard who might be involved in a plot to assassinate...
Bodyguard Seduction
Left for dead by her rich and powerful stepmother, Snow White is taken in by a team of assassins who train her in their ways of fighting. As her...
Snow White and the 7 Samurai
A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an alliance between the giant ape and his...
Ape X Mecha Ape: New World Order
A militant alien race launches an attack on Earth using gigantic creatures and geological disasters all based on those found on The Asylum's Movie...
2025 Armageddon
After her aunt is found dead having mysteriously fallen overboard on a cruise ship, Olivia is thrown into rough seas as her uncle's secret past is...
Cruise Ship Murder
Two estranged sisters are forced to rob a bank in order to save their brother. But this is no ordinary bank.
The Vault