The frivolous young Wang Sheng, who wanted to practice the Taoism of Laoshan, insisted on embarking on a journey of seeking the Tao under the doubts...
Laoshan Taoist
Comic Ambition
In the late 19th century, American explorer Mike discovered a mysterious black meteorite from ancient times deep in the jungles of the Taiyi...
Mid-July Days 3: Spirit Touch Seventh Senses
The story of Chen Shishiang, the chief bodyguard master of the Yixing Bodyguard Guild, who is forced to take the last mission, and who is forced to...
The Desert Swordsman
The film adapted from the use of Halloween "Hell Ten " spiritualism horrors sensational campus network based on the supernatural community . The film...
Mid-July Days 2: Past and Present
Ziteng was hurt by Wukong. To save her, Liu Er promised the Devil he would use Wukong’s identity and abort the pilgrimage. His fights against...
True and False Monkey King
Yin Shiniang finally gives birth after an unusual pregnancy lasting three years and eight months. Suddenly, Shi Ji the snake spirit appears,...
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King