In the Oregon mountains, a pair of hunters encounter a machete-wielding killer in an abandoned church. Meanwhile, five campers arrive to examine some...
Just Before Dawn
A young girl is left to run her grandfather's frontier newspaper. She finds out about a group of conmen and a devious swindle and tries to expose...
The Kid from Not-So-Big
Feature-length retrospective on the classic 80s slasher, Just Before Dawn.
Just Before Dawn: Lions, Tigers and Inbred Twins
Estranged from his longtime girlfriend, suburban accountant Perry wanders into the Tenderloin at night and is drawn into a series of dangerous and...
Bid is a self-styled urban commando determined to live outside the system and the law. A hustler in high end auto parts, he is homeless by choice....
Scheme C6
Holiday Weekend centers on how people relate to each other. A young couple quibbles over an impulsive decision to steal a coffee machine, while the...
Holiday Weekend
Spoddy (Disend), a small-time car thief and master auto mechanic, hates cars and harbors contempt for most people, especially the losers of this...