Kate, Anton, and Keith, three young artists in New York's art scene of the early 1980s. An intimate glimpse into the creative and emotional lives of...
After he refuses to disavow his faith, a devout Christian student must prove the existence of God or else his college philosophy professor will fail...
God's Not Dead
Six strangers seek to better themselves in Emotions Anonymous, each of them offering a line of support for another member. When conflict arises they...
Beyond Adversity
Following the macabre footsteps of the first VAULT OF TERROR installment, this sequel anthology film tells six more evil, demonic, hellish tales of...
Vault of Terror II: The Undead
Lisa, a plus-sized African American woman, concludes that her boyfriend broke up with her because of her weight. Now on quarantine lock down and...
Lock Down Love
A Vital Sign is a dramatic short film by award-winning filmmakers Paul Robinson and Sashia Dumont. The story follows a unified group as they journey...
A Vital Sign
A young woman sets out to celebrate her sisters birthday while recalling the events of the day she was born, only to discover that her gift to her...
The Children's Corner
The true story of the kidnapping of Freddy Heineken, the grandson of the founder of the Heineken brewery, and his driver. They were released after a...
Kidnapping Mr. Heineken