A group of filmmakers investigate the legend of America's first serial killer, Jeremiah Godslight. However, they get more than they bargained for and...
Dormant Evil
One day, in the family manor, four cousins discover a passage to a mysterious world. Trapped in this unearthed land, the Kingdom of Keoherus, they...
Guardians of Time
A woman shares an important find with her sister.
They See You
When a debt-ridden teacher inherits an abandoned lakefront inn, she and a group of potential buyers visit the property, where they discover a dark,...
The Headmistress
A celebratory dinner party unravels when the guests find out the host doesn't follow the news.
The fanatic beliefs of an internet mystic, a cult leader, and a rookie cop gone rogue are tested on the hunt for the "Hidden Man" -- an elusive...
He Who Lives In Hidden Lakes
An emotional teen gets back at her ex by devising a murder hoax at his birthday party, only to be upstaged by a real killer.