In a world where humanity counts for nothing, a man has lost his value for society and is therefore to be transformed into an uncaring artificial...
When Felix steals a leather jacket in a hotel, he bumps into Bianca. She confuses him for a callboy she booked and Felix decides to play along.
Tomas is happy as family father, raising teen son Milan (as his knavish buddy) and running-especially gastronomically- a club with his mother Nike,...
Nie mehr wie es war
A group of people meet on the rooftop, ready to jump - then things get a little complicated...
Die Randgruppe
When Eva returns to her house on the day of her divorce, she finds a bouquet of red roses outside the door. Attached is the note: "You are not...
Du bist nicht allein
One Shot Left
Club Of The Lonely Hearts
Winterherz: Tod in einer kalten Nacht
Shortly before the end of the Second World War, Anna and her eleven-year-old son Felix seek refuge in the countryside, where a strict Nazi regiment...
Das Glaszimmer
The private detective Hartwig Seeler gets an assignment from his former colleague Tascha.
Hartwig Seeler – Ein neues Leben
Der Komödienstadel - Alpenglühn und Männertreu
There are two inns in the village of Hundsling, one too many. When Magdalena arrives for her mother's funeral, she sees how overwhelmed her father...
Hundslinger Hochzeit