A brother and sister learn their biological grandfather was a kamikaze pilot who died during World War II. During their research into his life, they...
The Fighter Pilot
Members of SWORD win against Wangan Rengogun, which is led by Kohaku. The city becomes peaceful again. Nevertheless, the most brutal gangs, Doubt...
HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Sky
To defend their kingdom against a sudden invasion, a mighty general returns to the battlefield alongside a war orphan, now grown up, who dreams of...
Kingdom III: The Flame of Destiny
Set at the end of the Sengoku period to early Edo period, "Sanada Ten Braves" follows 10 members of a ninja group who all serve under samurai warrior...
Sanada 10 Braves
After failing his university entrance exam, Yuki Hirano sets his eyes on the role of a forestry trainee. Setting off for training he doubts his...
Wood Job!
Yukio is your average high school student who spends his days going to class and avoiding bullies. That is until he meets Ryusuke, a guitar prodigy....
The street fighters of Oya High and the delinquent brawlers of Housen Academy face off against each other when both seemingly attack each other.
High & Low The Worst
The second in a series of Japanese TV movies about a police detective who has adopted the dress and mannerisms of famous American TV detective...
Columbo of Shinano 2- The Togakushi Legend Murder Case
On the Hokkaido frontier, a war veteran and Ainu girl race against misfits and military renegades to find treasure mapped out on tattooed outlaws.
Golden Kamuy