Mosholu Parkway is a short film comedy about a day in the life of a raucus family during World War II, a teenaged girl's disastrous blind date and...
Mosholu Parkway
Bad Hombres tells the story of two undocumented immigrants who take a job digging a hole and then learn their employers are criminals.
Bad Hombres
The love of two young artists is put to the test when unsympathetic adults force the couple into isolation.
The Invisible Worm
A story of art and sex in the city. In the fall of 2011 in NYC, an actress playing Virgin Mary, an impotent tourist named Joseph, and a lonely...
Julius Fonteneau has decided to take the law into his own hands after his daughter has gone missing. His only friend supports him while his wife...
A young agent is tasked with investigating a tangled web of corruption and fraud in New York.