After the previous Godzilla attack, a miniature arms race ensues to collect his cells. Concerned over Godzilla's possible return, the Japanese...
Godzilla vs. Biollante
9th-graders Kazuo and Kazumi take a tumble at a temple in a small seacoast town in Japan. Through supernatural intervention, their minds and bodies...
I Are You, You Am Me
The mysterious relationship between a breast-sick sister who lives in a warehouse and the younger brother who longs for her.
In the Cellar
A boy transfers into a new high school in the big city. He gets bullied, but meets a pretty girl. He tries to win her heart, but rivals abound. Debut...
Hole in the Pants
A man catches the eye of an elegant lady at a bar. She relents to his advances. In the morning he throws her out of his apartment. He will soon...
Gemini Woman
Ryōko Itakura returns as the tough-as-nails government taxing agent. This time she must figure out a way to expose a fanatical religious cult...
A Taxing Woman's Return