In a jungle village lives the exuberant Tanga Manga, heir to Tumba Tanga. One day the shipwrecked John Torzón appears who has come to steal...
Torzón y Tanga (Mi adorable salvaje)
Segment "Niños vírgenes": Story of some very hot students both at school and outside of it. Segment "Bajas pasiones": Adventures of a...
Los mexicanos calientes
Rosa Melo seeks to form a women's soccer team to win the women's soccer championship, but her players have no knowledge of soccer. So they decide to...
No era penal... era puñal
A tycoon, frustrated because his daughter is a lesbian, decides to leave his entire fortune to whoever manages to make her fall in love. His decision...
Los mexicanos calientes 2
A group of quirky Mexican denizens becomes involved in romantic entanglements.
El sexo me divierte 2
At Christmas time, the inhabitants of a neighborhood organize a pastorela (play that represents the birth of the baby Jesus) but one of the neighbors...
El Garrote Navideño
Acapulco gigolo