The film tells the story of Arnaldo, that to get rid of his miserable life, seeks of a clinic that promises to copy people. With a copy occupying his...
Alone Man
Cinzas e Café
After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together.
Get the Grift
Everything changes in Fani's life when the opportunity arises to do an exchange program and live in another country for a year. The revealing...
Shooting My Life's Script
Viva Voz
Popcorn - Qualquer Semelhança não é Mera Coincidência
"No one loves anyone for more than two years" is an adaptation of Nelson Rodrigues' work about five couples that live in Brazil in the early 60's,...
No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years
Teste de Elenco