The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption...
The Treasure: Truth & Imagination
An enthralling look at the relationship between America and the Arab World from an Arab perspective. It tells the story of Yehia, a renowned Egyptian...
Alexandria... New York
The Maid, a short narrative film, examines the moments in which we are forced to understand that other people are real in the same way that we are....
The Maid
Fares who managed to build his fortune from scratch using illegal methods goes through a tough phase in his life as his investment companies go...
Knight of the City
Youssef, a student at the Faculty of Fine Arts, responds to the call of talent and love of drawing against his family's wishes.
In Natural Colors
Upon his return to Alexandria, Khaled becomes intrigued with a graffiti mural opposite his apartment. As he pursues this further, a larger...
8 characters skew lifelines that never really intersect in the suburb of Heliopolis in Cairo within a frame of time of 24 hours all in a very...
Set against the backdrop of the unrest during the pre-revolution period of January 25, 2011, by following the stories of six relationships in...
Single coworkers at a radio station are brought together by mutual friends, but their starry-eyed notions about love may scuttle their romance.
Love Station
A stream of consciousness, a journey, a wonder of human beings, life and the world, of the corporeal and what can not be seen, but there is. A woman...
God, Smell and Her
The events of the film takes place on new year's eve of 2009 in the Red Sea at a resort near the city of Hurgahda inside the world of the wealthy...
New Year's Eve
A couple's relationship experiences some ups and downs as the societal pressures put upon them get increasingly burdensome.
Stolen Kisses