The film revolves around Dalal (Laila Elwi), a beautiful young woman who is in a love affair with Salem (Farouk El-Fishawy), but the big businessman...
Hashem is a young man who has fled Upper Egypt and travels to Alexandria because his family insists on him taking revenge for his father's murderer's...
El Motamared
جواز عرفي
مسرحية أولادي
اخترت حياتي
مرارة الأيام
وضاع الطريق
في العشق والسفر
A wrongfully convicted man falls in love with his fellow inmate. They decide to get married after their release and seek revenge on a corrupt...
Love in a Jail Cell
As Major General Helmy and his son Sa'ad take part in the first Palestine War, his wife Horeya cheats on him with Kamal. When Helmy returns and finds...
Bloody Destinies
Salma gets involved in an ethical case during her studies at the university. Years later, she meets Eng. Magdy and they get engaged, but Magdy's...
The Convicts