After receiving a text from Jena, their long-dead friends Angel, Niko, Ririn and Lili must overcome dangerous obstacles whose goal is to take their...
Two years after escaping from demonic terror, a young woman is still haunted by unnatural vision. The dangers that await her and her friends are...
May the Devil Take You Too
Nira, Raka, Leo, Maya and Sisi make a horror film for their college assignment. They went to a sugar factory which is said to be very haunted. They...
Tumbal: The Ritual
Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika, despite his limited intelligence, acts and behaves like children. In fact, it is...
Miracle in Cell No. 7
Unbeknownst to her husband Soedjiman, Sulastri made a pact with the devil so that she could have children. She gave birth to twins, Kumala, who...
Four students had to take a short semester while other students were on holiday. At first these students were not suspicious during class.
Dosen Ghaib: Sudah Malam atau Sudah Tahu
Melina loses one of her twin children. Her surviving child, Flora, grows into a moody and mysterious child. When Flora turns five years old, Melina's...
Sancaka has lived on the streets since his parents left him. Living a hard life, Sancaka survives by thinking about his own safety. When the...
Hell-bent on avenging the murder of his family, a former detective infiltrates a remote island that serves as a prison for vicious death row...
A street dog is taken in by a young couple, and the family pit becomes an instant accomplice as he adjusts to his new, loving home.
June & Kopi
After losing his mother and sister, Thomas plans to resign as a priest but is tasked with assisting exorcist Rendra. Together, they confront demons...
Dominion of Darkness