Ruthlessly pursued by the Rogers family following a dispute over cattle, Ben Caine (Benito Stefanelli) is chased back to the Caine Ranch. Despite his...
Cemetery Without Crosses
A wealthy Englishman finds his third wife dead. After the police discover that his first two wives had also died suddenly, an investigation is...
The Fourth Victim
Southern France, 19th century. Teresa, a young girl, arrives at an isolated female boarding school that is tyrannically mastered by Mrs. Fourneau,...
The House That Screamed
Like every night, Manuel remembers the old days of glory, when after the war he was a famous bullfighter. He and his friend Juan were the fashionable...
Blood in the Bullring
El niño y el potro (Más allá de río Miño)
A rainy day forces Joaquin, Joe Luis and Alvaro to refuge in Martins' house. They also go there two Swedish girls who want love and spanish ham; a...
Long Play