Brazil 1821. Upon his return to the imposing farmhouse, Antonio, a rich cattle herder, finds out that his wife dies in labor. Forced to live in the...
The humble Zacarias goes to the big city with his wife to help their son who wants to be a Doctor. There he gets a job, and lives a lot of funny...
Chofer de Praça
Zenó (Mazzaropi) is a poor gardener of a traditional school in São Paulo who falls in love with one of the local girls, much richer and...
Zé do Periquito
Half the Sky
The fated love between a frigid young girl and a psychopathic mute.
The Gentle Rain
While still a child, Lollipop falls in love with her orphaned cousin Silvio, who has been raised as a member of the family by her father, Dr....
Vidas Estranhas
The film follows two men living in a Rio de Janeiro slum: a black shoe-shiner and a white mill worker.
Esse Mundo é Meu
Fernanda is content with her life until she meets Miguel, a drug addict, bisexual male prostitute. She becomes captivated by him and leaves her...
Happily Ever After
O Olho amarelo do tigre