Talented kendoka Andre is torn between sporting success and the love for his disabled younger brother Freddie. When a new kendo master appears, who...
For his application at a renowned film school Sandro asks his school friend Emil to help. After growing apart, Sandro has to overcome his ego to be...
High Hopes
Riskante Patienten
An introverted man who oscillates between reality and imagination wanders in a photography gallery where he draws the art he sees. As he walks...
Being normal just for once. That is the biggest wish of Damian, who has a heart disease. Because he turned 14.74 today, he wants his first proper...
14,74 oder Das Streben nach Mittelmäßigkeit
Ivo is a former pro footballer and jailbird with nothing to lose. He is a betting natural and his talent and background attract the interest of...
Cheyenne is the only girl in a soccer gang. When one day a new boy joins them, her views are challenged.
Don't Call Me Bro
Unconventional and unaccepted, eleven-year-old Ida is searching for love and affection - and a kiss, of course, would be a good place to start.
A Russian-Jewish teenager Dima gets into a school fight, and then breaks the fourth wall and passionately and ferociously talks about his views, and...
Masel Tov Cocktail
Es war einmal ein Sohn