Its events revolve in a romantic context around a university professor whose life is invaded by a student, and events develop until he finds himself...
Love, Imagined
The events take place in a romantic comedy framework when the famous DJ Fares is exposed to a number of funny situations and comic paradoxes because...
Yassin (Hisham Magdy) and Sara (Hana El Zahid) meet and find themselves in romantic, comedic situations. Omnia (Mai Omar) and Tarek (Ahmed Saadany),...
A Few Hours in One Day
The work revolves around a love story between a young man and a girl. In an attempt to reach his beloved, the young man decides to travel to the...
Coast stars
Pasha Palace
upcoming Sequel For Hepta The Last Lecture (2016)
Hepta (The Last Debate)
The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of troubles and difficulties during high school.
High School Girls
Alexandria, Egypt, 1940. Three young Egyptians come to the aid of a woman being attacked by three British soldiers. One of them is arrested and...
Karmouz War
Over the course of one day, the events revolve around a number of cases that take place inside a court, and how the people involved try to deal with...
The Court
A father-son story, in which each discovers many secrets about the other while they both try to settle their scores during one long night
My Father's Scent