A story of Bangladesh’s liberation war of 1971. Where two doppelgängers encounter each other in the war camp. The film revolves around...
Clouds After Cloud
The film 'Tungiparar Miya Bhai' about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the Bengali nation of all time.
Tungipara'r Miya Bhai
A murder is committed in a village without any clue left behind. However, there is a man with an unnatural power of understanding animals and their...
Raat Jaga Phool
Upcoming Movie starring Dev
A Journey of 4 decade with love and passion. Things will arrive as certain threat while characters are moving through a real history. End turn to...
Bhuban Majhi
The three unemployed guys are back with a new plan of selling tea, coffee and lemonade to customers in a park. They have a rival tea-seller who...
Tara Tinjon: Tea-Master
A discovery of a mirror creates much chaos and confusions within the superstitious populace of a village.
Darpan Bishorjon
How friendship is meaningful in our life? Does it has any barrier by thought? Age, Color, race or religion? Let's make friendship universal -a circle...
Nabil Al Shahriar is a conscientious police officer of CTTC, is trying to track down a group of terrorists, who want to create inquietude and...
Mission Extreme
Afnan & Adiba who met each other through social networking sites. As it turns out, they have never met each other in person. To celebrate Valentine's...
Bhalobasha 101