“Huey Tum Ajnabi” is a romantic period drama film set in the backdrop of 1971. While the film showcases some of the major events of fall...
Huey Tum Ajnabi
A renowned heroine Zara is found dead mysteriously raising a lot of questions of whom and how. Investigation officer Shehzad tries to find out who is...
Teefa goes to Poland to get Anya to Pakistan to marry Butt gangster's son but lands up in trouble with Anya's gangster father and the Polish police.
Teefa in Trouble
Chhalawa revolves around love, relationships and family.
A rich heiress who falls in love with a man who is not as financially stable as herself. When former love interests make an appearance, the new...
Wrong No. 2
It revolves around a winning lottery ticket of Rs100 crores in Jojo's lost coat which everyone is searching for.
Sami and Laila are cousins who unwillingly get tangled in an arranged marriage - on their families persistence. Laila knows about Sami being in love...
Shadi Aur Tum Say?
Sara and Sultan are madly in love and wants to be married, but there is a problem. Sara belongs to an ultra-modern household, her mother is learning...
Rok Sako To Rok Lo