Mourning her mother’s death and struggling to adjust to her new life in Israel, a young girl bonds with the lonely spirit of a Palestinian...
A House in Jerusalem
A dark comedic drama about Ella, a 34-year-old theater costume designer who experiences the sudden death of her married lover. As she begins to...
The Other Widow
Salma and Tamer have been married for 5 years in the Palestinian territories. The first time Tamer is given permission to cross the Israeli...
Between Heaven and Earth
Israel is sealed off after the outbreak of a deadly virus and Gaza has become the safest place in the region, leaving a British journalist and his...
A Gaza Weekend
After the sudden death of her husband, working mother Nawal has to fight for her inheritance in order to save her daughter and home in a society...
Inshallah a Boy
The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hometown tradition and big city abandon, and the...
In Between
A young Palestinian woman reunites with her long lost brother in Tel Aviv, but her hopes of a happy reunion are shattered when she discovers the...
Eleven-year-old Wardi’s great-grandfather leaves behind a will suggesting looking to the past to find the future. Searching the house, Wardi...
The Tower