A story of a bunch of college friends who reunite after many years. It focuses on their college life, leading to the responsibilities of adulthood...
Hondisi Bareyiri
Gurudev Hoysala, an upright police officer, gets involved in the inter-caste marriage of a Bhoomi and Ravi, only to realise later that Bhoomi is an...
Gurudev Hoysala
Following his father's tragic suicide due to the unfair pricing of his crops, Basava, the protagonist, abandons his studies and embraces agriculture....
Upcoming Kannada Movie by KRG Studios
Kiriket 11
Set in the fictional dystopian city-state of Khansaar, the film follows the friendship between Deva, a tribesman, and Varadha, the prince of...
Salaar: Part 1 - Ceasefire
Salaar: Part 2 - Shouryaanga Parvam
Struggling to find a foot in the start-up scene, two aspiring entrepreneurs are entangled in a vicious loop of investigative trials following an...
Upcoming Kannada Film starring Naveen Shankar & Aishani Shetty in the lead roles
Dharani Mandala Madhyadolage
Siddharth is an existentialist who leaves his home in pursuit of the unknown and his quest to find himself.
Nodidavaru Enanthare