After a heartless firing triggers a chain of unfortunate events, Philo plots a meticulous revenge against retail mogul, Mother Molly, aiming to...
A Very Good Girl
When a rich kid slacker meets a working class breadwinner, the two form an unlikely friendship in spite of their differences. With the pandemic and...
When This Is All Over
A progressive rock band composed of privileged teenagers get arrested for drug possession, and are brought into the “Blue Room” where...
Blue Room
A young woman in the Philippines tries to find underground abortion for her pregnant best friend.
While on an out-of-town birthday party, Bianca, an only child to a single father, receives a phone call about her father’s sudden passing. She...
Mabel rediscovers her passion for dance, catching the eye of a female dance group. They invite her to join, offering solace and sisterhood. Yet,...
take me to an unbridled fury
In the heart of Metro Manila, there is an ordinary thrift shop with a supernatural story of loneliness.
The son of the Aswang clan leader contends conflict with his father about their differing perspectives on humanity.