A documentary which explores the making of Jim Henson and Frank Oz's 1982 fantasy film 'The Dark Crystal', which originally aired on PBS in the...
The World of 'The Dark Crystal'
Biography of risk-taker and raconteur John Huston from his childhood to become one of the most highly respected filmmakers in the world.
John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick
The film director, Carol Reed, is the subject of this documentary short. The illegitimate son of the famous stage actor, 'Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree'...
A Sense of Carol Reed
The history of color photography in motion pictures, in particular the Technicolor company's work.
Glorious Technicolor
A documentary about the making of Stanley Kubricks 1964 film Dr Strangelove Or: How I Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb and his career leading up to...
The Art of Stanley Kubrick: From Short Films to Strangelove
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "The Man with the Golden Gun"
Inside 'The Man with the Golden Gun'