The story of Kanphon, the son of a great politician, who meets Pailin, a young woman living in a poor community. giving him the opportunity to be...
The Wall
Malinee receives a letter, which she’s inherited the ancestral land at Mae Jan mountain, from her deceased grandmother. She decides to move...
Arnon, young and good looking engineer, propose to every girls he met. He is assigned to check machine at coconut field in rural. He meets with a...
Bride of Arnon
Vichuda, a young woman who is quintessential, riveting and good at everything. Sorat, a young policeman, a friend of his brother, falls in love with...
In 1765, at the end of the Ayutthaya period, at a village in Suphan Buri. The villagers live in peace. Despite the news of the war from Angwa, they...
Suphan Blood
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