Before embarking on his first tour of duty, a young soldier and his father must face up to the painful realities that have long gone unspoken between...
Eager to fit in at her new school and at odds with her divorced parents, lonely high schooler Jane spirals out of control after falling in with a new...
Good Girl Jane
Faith’s world is turned upside down after she finds out that her beloved father is dying. When the mysteriously alluring Sissy Young becomes...
Cherry Tree
Jane faces the reality of an apparent relapse after waking up half naked in the backseat of her tweaker boyfriend's car.
A gang of sharp witted street kids save Sherlock Holmes from an accusation of murder and to help foil an audacious robbery.
Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars
What Richard Did is a striking portrait of the fall of a Dublin golden-boy and high school rugby star whose world unravels one summer night.
What Richard Did
An offbeat comedy about an estranged father who returns to his hometown after an absence of ten years in order to reconnect with his daughter and...
During the Blitz of World War II, a female screenwriter works on a film celebrating England's resilience as a way to buoy a weary populace's spirits....
Their Finest
After a disease kills 98% of America's children, the surviving 2% develop superpowers and are placed in internment camps. A 16-year-old girl escapes...
The Darkest Minds
Long-term couple Owen and Hallie are breaking up—or maybe not?—and just as their relationship reaches a turning point, Matt and Willa...
In a Relationship
A woman must deal with the devastating effects of having a murderer for a brother.
Property of the State
After years of being the sole carer for his dementia-stricken mother, Luke must now try to cope with the return home of his older brother.
When a bully is exposed for who he is, how will he react?
Hunters Fall
England, early 20th century. The future writer and philologist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) and three of his schoolmates create a strong...
Paul and Sophie, interns at a mysterious London firm, become steadily aware their employers Humphrey and Dennis are anything but conventional –...
The Portable Door