Widely thought of as “a woman’s director,” legendary film director George Cukor is profiled with the use of film clips and...
On Cukor
L'album secret de Clint Eastwood
The Cinema According to Dalí
Fritz Lang, le cercle du destin - Les films allemands
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) caused a great impression on the lives of most of the American artists of that era, so many movies were made in...
A War in Hollywood
In a Hollywood career spanning more than 50 years and with 60 movie credits to his name, Jack Nicholson has conquered everyone, becoming the...
Dr. Jack & Mr. Nicholson
Polanski, le travail à l'oeuvre
A look at the extraordinary achievements and contemporary legacy of Oscar Micheaux, a pioneer of the African-American film industry.
Oscar Micheaux: The Superhero of Black Filmmaking