The arrival of gorgeous and enigmatic Luella Miller instantly disrupts the social balance of a small New Zealand town in this spine-tingling...
Luella Miller
On the 7th of May 2009, Senior Constables Len Snee, Grant Diver and Bruce Miller arrived at 41 Chaucer Rd in Napier to serve a search warrant on Jan...
When a corporate mining giant moves into a small coastal town looking for gold and talking about trickle down wealth - some folk just aren't...
The Z-Nail Gang
Based on a true story, STOLEN is an emotional thriller about every parent's greatest fear. Kahu Durie - the adopted baby daughter of Maori High Court...
A comedy-drama which follows the collapse of two marriages.
Separation City
In the early hours of New Year’s Day 1998, Olivia Hope and Ben Smart boarded a yacht with a man, and were never seen again. The case enthralled...
Doubt: The Scott Watson Case
In 1999, South African emigrant psychiatrist Colin Bouwer murdered his wife in what he thought was an undetectable manner. He was not counting on the...
Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, learn the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that...
Avatar: The Way of Water
Max is a small boy with a big imagination. Him and his Dad form a tight knit crew. But when Dad gets a new girlfriend, Max must find a way to...
Space Invader
Johnny Kapahala, a teen snowboarding champion from Vermont, returns to Oahu, Hawaii, for the wedding of his hero -- his grandfather, local surf...
Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board