In a suffering country somewhere in the near future, a community of misfits who live in a state of decadence and paranoia, tries to claim a decent...
A post-modern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their...
In a tale rooted in ancient Greek tragedy, a patriarch must decide the fate of his son and the boy he raised when a long-standing unneighbourly feud...
In a mountainous village, a young country girl is getting ready for her wedding at the local town hall. It will be a day unlike all the rest....
Halcyon Days
This is the story of Copa-Loca, an abandoned Greek summer resort. Paulina is the girl at the heart of Copa-Loca. Everyone cares for her and she cares...
In Lesvos island an old abandoned dump lies on a mountain with two big craters. The craters are overflown by thousands of life jackets from the...
8th Continent
The film captures the way Yorgos Zois worked with his actors during the shooting of the film Interuption, as well as the atmosphere that evoked on...
Deconstructing Interruption
Overweight nineteen year old, Stefanos, is a passionate conspiracy theorist. Suffering from the recent loss of his brother he decides to seek...
When Jonny visits his father Nikitas in his cabin in the woods after 20 years, the hermit ignores him. But to prevent the muddy ground from being...
Andreas has to take care of the boss’s house and dog. The dog is mad. The house is luxurious. His co-workers are jealous. The neighbor is...
The Meaning of August
outa is a pigeon breed that flies all the way up to the clouds, then dives at 230 km/h and slows down just before reaching the ground. Christos is a...
In the near-future metropolis of Athens, suicide is illegal and citizens have no other desire but to die. Following the film’s heroes to their...
After twenty years away, Odysseus washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The king has finally returned home, but much has...
The Return
After an accident that puts her in a coma, Maria Aliki, a struggling actress in search of major roles, enters a reality where she must play out all...
Murphy’s Law