The film revolves around a girl who tries to commit suicide because of her family's torture, but another person comes to save her from death. She...
Ismail Yassin for sale!
A wealthy person dies leaving a huge fortune, but no heirs are allowed to receive their share of wealth until they have found the son of the...
Ismail Yassine Tarazan
Farid belongs to a large family, but he failed in his studies and joined a drug smuggling gang. He frequents bars and nightclubs and is in a...
El Ragol El Thaalab
Banat bahari
Salim tries to disrupt the activities of his two brotherly rivals Fouad and Ahmed who work in a workshop they own in the quarries of Abu Zaabal,...
Seraa fil jebel
Master Toha had eleven ex-husbands, but she wants to marry Rashad the driver, who refuses to marry her. Toha attempts to pressure him through his...
A poor girl leaves her fiancé, who works as a mechanic, and be friends a famous dancer, because she loves to dance. A wealthy man admires her,...
Habibi El Asmar