Once upon a time, in a beautiful ancient kingdom, a reluctant prince organises a royal ball in order to select a wife. The events which follow, bring...
Everyone in the Osayande family worries about Isoken. Although she has what appears to be a perfect life - beautiful, successful and surrounded by...
A prostitute wakes up to find she has been abducted and struggles to bond with her captors and plot her escape.
Femi the “Femi-nist” is a renowned Casanova with a 100% record. His latest target has an irresistable bounty but with a significant...
The Femi-Nist
An 8-year-old girl with an ability to sense danger gets ejected from Sunday school service. She unwittingly witnesses the underbelly in and around a...
A man and a woman in Lagos want to escape their everyday lives, but extricating themselves is no easy task. Two stories narrated with tenderness and...
Eyimofe (This Is My Desire)
Bimbo Akintola, Danny Glover and TIFF Rising Star Somkele Iyamah-Idhalama star in director Steve Gukas’ riveting real-life thriller about...
93 Days