A story which centers around Dave Katz, a journalist at a hip-hop magazine who is sent on assignment to uncover the often comedic underworld of...
Death of a Dynasty
Three gangsters vie for control of the streets of Philadelphia.
State Property: Blood on the Streets
Once the hottest comic in America, Hollaback's name was in hip-hop songs, all over the media making Eminem look like MC Hammer. Then, in a flash,...
Holla If I Kill You
Mike Epps is back and funnier than ever as he hosts Mike Epps Presents: Live From Club Nokia. Mike Epps delivers in this stand up special and has...
Mike Epps Presents: Live from Club Nokia
An organic blend of action, suspense and gut-busting, hilarious comedy occur when two "good-natured" friends inadvertently snatch a bag that a cop...
The Stuff