"Daisy," sometimes known as "Daisy Girl" or "Peace, Little Girl," is a controversial political advertisement that aired on television during the...
Peace, little girl
The moving story of four young men struggling against overwhelming odds to remain honest. When their crooked employer shorts their earnings; they...
Four Boys and a Gun
A three-part omnibus centered around sex and its discontents.
Fore Play
A small-town police chief investigating a murder is offered help by a self-described psychic. However, when the chief discovers that the "psychic" is...
Man on a Swing
Fifteen-year-old girl Dotty Fisher is assaulted at a construction camp. In the wake of this incident, the construction workers form a vigilante group...
Tragedy in a Temporary Town
Captures the essence of Willa Cather's haunting story of Pittsburgh circa 1900. Lost in a world of fantasy, young working-class Paul dreams of...
Paul's Case
Unable to deal with her parents, Jeannie Tyne runs away from home. Larry and Lynn Tyne search for her, and in the process meet other people whose...
Taking Off