A seventeen-year-old high school student, Mary, and her new friend Josie, a trans youth, embark on a harrowing journey of friendship, fortitude, and...
Mary Go Round, Mary Go Round
Troubles from the past resurfaces as a disowned son receives a distress call from his sister forcing him to decide on the fate of their ill mother...
A gullible young boy, as all kids are, believes that following his frowny-faced mother's order to buy a bottle of soy sauce and a bottle of vinegar...
Vinegar & Soy Sauce Can Make Adobo
While the city is busy, Danilo who lives in the streets met a little girl that let him be reunited with his past and present realities.
A Crazy Little Thing Called Society
On the eve of an imminent apocalypse, daughter helps her father prepare for a religious event of their sect. But as the hours tick, sinister events...
Sa Oras ng Paghuhukom