In 1837, in Quebec, against a historical backdrop of rebellion against the English, we follow the sentimental drama of Simon de Bellefeuille and...
A Few Acres of Snow
The conflicts between Jean, a penniless painter, and his brother Luc, a successful lawyer. Adapted from a novel by Réal Giguère, which...
Caïn - Les marcheurs de la nuit
A doctor living in a small mining town discovers that his dissatisfied young wife is having an affair with a truck driver.
Poussière sur la ville
A young man, Jean Liber (Paul Guèvremont), who, at the end of his cours classique, decides to leave his rich, happy family and his finance,...
À la croisée des chemins
When his friend suddenly commits suicide, reporter Paul senses something strange about it. When he starts investigating, a series of sinister events...
The Possession of Virginia